
Headshot, Bartenders Against Racism, Allison Lane

Promo for curated dinner event with Chef Justin Cherry

Headshot, Bartenders Against Racism staff

Headshot, PHS Meadowbrook Farm Staff

Juanes. Rehearsal for PBS' United In Song Concert

Headshot session in Old Town Alexandria

Couple in Silver Spring, MD

'Martha Washington', George Washington's Mount Vernon

Couple in Alexandria

Headshot at Lincoln Memorial

Jazz at Walter Reed

President & First Lady Zelensky at Mount Vernon


Aged Rum

Framed Map

Handmade Wood Vase

Promotional Photo for July 4th

Licensed Reproduction Bed

Holiday Ornament

Etched Pewter Cup

Crabcake meal, Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant

Skillet cornbread, Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant

Interior Spaces

George Washington's Mount Vernon, Study

Mount Vernon Inn, Bridal Suite

George Washington's Mount Vernon, New Room

George Washington's Mount Vernon, First floor bedroom

George Washington's Mount Vernon, New Room

George Washington's Mount Vernon, Washington Bedchamber

George Washington's Mount Vernon, Kitchen
To view more photography, visit my photo website here